
3DHS ET-3DHS Extra330LT 30cc
Price: RM 2,320.00
Weight: 5kg

Wingspan: 75"
Length: 70"
Wing Area: 1060 sq. inches
Weight: 9.5-11 lbs.
Gas Power System
30-35cc, Desert Aircraft DA 35 recommended
The 75" Extra can also accomodate the VVRC 40cc twin
Falcon carbon or beechwood
Qty. 1 standard throttle servo. NOTE: Mini-servos have a short life span as throttle servos in this application, use with caution.
Electric Power System
Electric Motor:
Hacker A50-12L with 6S 5000-5800 mAh 19x10 or 20x10 prop
Hacker A50-14L with 8S 3500-4400 mAh 18x8 or 19x8 prop
Hacker A60-6XS with 6S 5000-5800 mAh 20x10 prop
Hacker A60-5S with 8S 4000-5000 mAh 20x10 prop
Motorlfly DM4330-298 with 8S 4000-5000 mAh 19x10 or 20x8 prop
Motrolfly DM4330-400 with 6S 5000-5800 mAh 19x8 or 19x10 prop
Electronic Speed Control:
Castle Creations Edge 100
Castle Creations Edge HV-80
Castle Creations Talon 90...  more
3DHSEDGE-3DHS EDGE540 92in 60cc
Price: RM 3,590.00

Winspan: 91"
Length: 91"
Wing Area: 1500 Sq. Inches
Weight 17-20 lbs.
Gas Power System
DLE-55...  more

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