
K-140G4-KingTech K-140G4
Price: RM 0.00

Please call for more details and pricing .... USD 2450.00


Diameter: 103mm ( 4.055” )
Length: 251mm ( 9.88” )
Weight: 1540g ( 3 lb 6.3 oz )
Maximum RPM: up to 130000
Thrust: 14.5 kg - 15°C ( 31.96 lb @ 59°F )
EGT: 700°C max
Fuel consumption: 400g / min ( 17.28 oz / min )
Fuel: Diesel, Jet A1, Kerosene
Lubrication: 5%
Maintenance cycle: 25 hr US$300...  more
K-100G4-KingTech K-100G4
Price: RM 0.00

Please call for more details and price .. USD2050.00


Diameter: 95.25mm ( 3.75” )
Length: 235.5mm ( 9.27” )
Weight: 1300g ( 2 lb 14 oz )
Maximum RPM: up to 140000
Thrust: 10 KG @ 15° C( 22 lb. @59° F. )
EGT: 700°C max
Fuel consumption: 385 g / min ( 11.84 oz / min )
Fuel: Diesel, Jet A1, Kerosene
Lubrication: 5%
Maintenance cycle: 25 hr US$300

...  more
K-70G4-KingTech K-70G4
Price: RM 0.00

Please call for more details and pricing .. USD 1790.00


Diameter: 76mm ( 2.99” )
Length: 180mm ( 7.086” )
Weight: 720g ( 1 lb 9.3 oz )
Max. RPM: up to 180000 MAX Thrust: 7kg @ 15° C ( 15.5 lb @ 59° F )
EGT: 700°C max
Fuel consumption: 230 g / min
Fuel: Diesel, Jet A1, Kerosene
Lubrication: 5%
Maintenance cycle: 25 hr US$300

...  more
k45g3-KingTech K45G3
Price: RM 0.00

Please call for for more details and pricing USD1600.00


Diameter: 62.9mm
Length: 158mm
Weight: 450g (Include internal valve, mount, Digital control system, FOD Screen)
Max. RPM: 232000
Thrust: 4.5kg@ 15° C
EGT: 720°C max
Fuel consumption: 150 g / min
Fuel: Jet A1, Kerosene
Lubrication: 5%
Maintenance cycle: 25 hr USD300
...  more
Price: RM 6,480.00
Weight: 0.85kg


Thrust: 6kg (13.2 Lbs)
RPM Range: 50,000-160,000
Exhaust gas temp: 400-550℃ (750-1025 F)
Fuel consumption: 181cc/min.@5kg, 83% power (6.12 fl.oz./min.@11Lbs)
Fuel: Kerosene or diesel
Lubrication: 5% synthetic turbine oil for kerosene or 3% for diesel
...  more
K-80G-KingTech K-80G
Price: RM 0.00

Pre order only.....

KingTech G series, a true Fuel Start turbine, will start and run on Diesel, Kerosene and JetA. G series have both solenoid valves built into the front cover, with a single fuel feed that eliminates at least 8 fuel connections upstream to the turbine, making a clean engine install a very simple task....  more

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